Our Coaches



Graham Broadley

Graham is a Level 5 Master Coach and has worked at the club for over 30 years. His role is to oversee the club's coaching programme. He coaches the adults and promising juniors and delivers the club's flagship progammes. Graham has a keen interest in biomechanics and believes developing sound fundamentals is to way to guarantee player success. Graham often uses video analysis as a way gain better diagnosis but also as a way to engage pupils in their own progress.



Paul Clark

Paul is Level 3 qualified and works with our junior membership. He is an excellent tennis coach who highly skilled at engaging with children. He also delivers our school programmes and the holiday tennis camps. We can honestly say that Paul delivers the best tennis camps in the land and recommend every child should try them at least once.

Tracy Chesher

Tracy is Level 2 qualified and co-delivers our mini tennis programme. Tracy has worked at the club for over 20 years and was formally a county standard player. She understands tennis inside-out and has become a mini tennis coaching specialist. Tracy delivers mini tennis lessons with excellence and has taught literally hundreds of children.

Jo Edwards

Jo is Level 2 qualied who, working alongside Tracy Chesher, delivers our mini tennis programme. She has worked at the club for 25 years. Jo also gives 1:2:1 mini tennis coaching. She is highly skilled at delivering mini group coaching and has an excellent understanding of children.

Robyn Stone

Robyn is Level 1 qualified and our newest recruit. She is an accomplished player who grew up at the club and is passionate about tennis. She has learnt her coaching from the best by working in our mini tennis coaching set up. Robyn gives 1:2:1 lessons and 'buddy hits' to aspiring juniors.