
We always welcome new Committee members, contact us for more info.

Welfare, Safeguarding, Diversity and Inclusion

Wheathampstead Lawn Tennis Club takes the welfare of all our members very seriously, especially regarding children on our coaching programmes. If you have any welfare or safeguarding concerns, please reach out to our Welfare Officer, details below.

Margaret White, Welfare Officer - contact to ask for her contact details.

Alternatively, should you have a safeguarding concern, you can raise this directly with the LTA using the following link:

Diversity and Inclusion

WLTC values people from all walks of life, everybody is welcome!

Click here to view our Safe and Inclusive Code of Conduct Policy


WLTC takes all concerns very seriously. Should you need to raise a concern please email the club at in the first instance.


Data Protection

WLTC take Data Privacy and Protection very seriously. In line with Legal Regulations we have updated our Privacy Policy to make it easier for you to understand what information we may collect from you and why. This policy also contains information about your rights as a Data Subject.

Click here to view our Privacy Policy for members