Whitchurch Tennis Club is committed to safeguarding and promoting the wellbeing of all its members

Safeguarding Policy Statement

Whitchurch Tennis Club (Whitchurch TC)  is committed to promoting an inclusive and enjoyable environment for all members, staff, volunteers and visitors to our site.

Whitchurch TC  recognises our moral and statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all children (anyone under 18) and adults at risk. We are committed to ensuring our safeguarding practice reflects statutory responsibilities, government guidance and complies with LTA standards. We are committed to prioritising the well-being of children and adults at risk and providing a safe and welcoming environment where they are respected and valued. We are alert to the signs of abuse and neglect and follow our procedures to ensure that children and adults at risk receive effective support and protection. Please see our Safeguarding Policy Statement for more information.

Welfare officers

Jackie Garland and Aled Evans are the Club Welfare Officers and are available to discuss any concerns or worries you may have. Within the context of the LTAs Safeguarding Policies and Procedures, please be assured that all concerns will be treated sensitively and will remain confidential unless it is unsafe to do so.

Jackie Garland (click for info)

07971 017178

Aled Evans (click for info)
07473 893291

Jackie has a professional background in teaching,
youth work and educational psychology.
In local authorities and as a member of a
regional safeguarding board, she has extensive
experience of working in the field of safeguarding,
additional learning needs and mental health at
an operational and strategic level. Currently, Jackie
works in these same areas in a freelance capacity. 

Jackie enjoys a range of sports and has been a
valued member of the Ladies 2nd Team for many years. 

Aled has worked within the health and social care
sector for 15 years, in a variety of roles and settings.
Most recently he qualified as a registered nurse in
2020 and works in his current role as a senior staff
nurse on the polytrauma unit in University Hospital
of Wales Cardiff. 

Aled has been a member of Whitchurch TC since 2015
and is current captain for the men’s 1st team
in the winter league and regularly plays for the
men’s 1st team.


Safeguarding and welfare policies, procedures and guidance

Whitchurch TC - Safeguarding Policy and Procedures (including Whistleblowing Policy)
Whitchurch TC - Anti-bullying policy
Whitchurch TC - Diversity and inclusion policy
Whitchurch TC - Online safety and communication policy
Whitchurch TC - Photography and Filming Policy
Whitchurch TC - Use of changing facilities policy
Whitchurch TC  - Safe recruitment policy

LTA Code of Conduct Policy
LTA Safeguarding at Events, Activities and Competitions
LTA Recommended Coach:Player Ratios


Guidance on reporting a concern

Children: within and outside of tennis (2 flowcharts)
Adults: within and outside of tennis (2 flowcharts)

LTA 4 Report-a-Concern Flowcharts

To report a concern to:

Department Office hours Outside of office hours
Emergency Duty Team
Children’s Services 029 2053 6490
Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)
029 2078 8570
Adult Safeguarding Team 02922 330888 029 2078 8570
Local Authority Designated Officer
Concerns about a professional
029 2233 0889  

Accident on site

The procedure for reporting accidents that occur at the Whitchurch TC site enables us to identify whether there are any potential hazards that need to be addressed. The monitoring process helps us to reduce the likelihood of accidents occurring; this contributes to the well-being agenda. Accidents must be reported promptly by email via: info@whitchurchtenniscardiff.co.uk

Summary information should be included within the email under the following headings:

  1. Date/time of accident
  2. Location Context and description of accident 
  3. Actions taken
  4. Any further relevant information


Safe to Play Tennis
NSPCC - Child Protection in Sport Unit resources
NSPCC PANTS Song and Animation
Mental Health and Wellbeing Advice
Mental Health Foundation
Young Minds
Rights of the child
Wellbeing in Tennis - advice for young people(LTA)