It felt like a very long time without tennis during 'lockdown'. The Courts were closed just as the weather set in for weeks of dry, sunny, light breeze conditions; perfect for tennis. As many of us took our daily exercise along the Tankerton slopes the Courts remained firmly off limits. We are glad to say that at last they are open again and after a slow few weeks as we all emerged from our different experiences, we had initially been unable to have organised Club sessions so small groups formed and there has been some fun and competitive tennis in the last month or so.
WLTC Social Tennis will resume from Saturday1st August as the restrictions have eased. The sessions are for 2020 Club Members only and will be restricted to 12 participants on Courts 1 and 2 on Saturday 10am until 12 and again in the afternoon 2 until 4pm with further sessions on Sunday and Thursday afternoons also 2 until 4pm. Members wishing to attend must adhere to Social distancing rules and pre booking is required via the emails which have been provided to all members.
We have decided to trial an online booking system for Social Tennis, which is accessed via the link above. All members have or will be sent an email with a link to register on "Clubspark" and will then be able to book their chosen sessions online. If any session is oversubscribed those that miss out will have priority for the same session the following week. Social Tennis sessions will be 'released' for booking 14 days in advance. Please note that this is a trial run and for the moment you will still need to contact the session organiser.
Court bookings, payment and key retrieval continue as before via EmmGee Sports and Mini Mart, and we must once again express our thanks to both for their work on our behalf.
The annual Club tournament has begun and there have already been some fine and tough matches played in all categories. The arrangements for finals are yet to be decided and will of course depend on the National situation and LTA guidelines as they develop. Keep an eye on this space and Club Emails for updates.
If you have any news or photos you wish to share please email to the following link WLTC-News