LTA Youth Green

What is LTA Youth Green?

Where does the time go? They’re fast approaching moody teenagers and so it’s time to let them loose on real, full-sized courts. Now it’s all about fine tuning and refining the techniques they’ve learned over the years. Welcome to the Big Leagues, junior.

  • Maximum Ratio of 1:6 (might be increased if a tennis leader is assisting)
  • Slightly modified balls
  • ABCs development (Agility, Balance and Co-ordination)
  • Developing a consistant serve, rallying, and scoring
  • Developing technique and tactics
  • Learning different styles of play



All juniors on our coaching programme at Wigmore Ltc must be members of Wigmore. To sign-up for membership click here.

To read the full club rules regarding membership click here. 


Read our full terms and conditions here (including our new picking-up and supervision policy)


Autumn Term 2024 (September-December)

Please click on your chosen course to reserve your place now.