Singles Ladder

We are running both mens and womens singles ladders open to all playing members of the club. Our Tennis Ladders are designed to create good competition, and a high level of fun, while increasing our member’s skills and allowing them to meet other members. Please respect this and enjoy.

Ladder Rules

  1. You may only challenge the players up to 3 places directly above you,
  2. The challenger arranges the match, and must give the challenged a minimum of two (2) alternative times; one (1) of these must be on the weekend; the other on a weekday. Please be cooperative when arranging matches.
  3. If the challenged is unable to play the match, a default should be recorded, and the positions exchanged. Default should not be considered a four-letter word. In order for the ladder to be effective and fair, players need to take the legitimate defaults and keep moving.
  4. Both the challenger and the challenged bring a new can of balls to the match. You play with one can, the winner takes the unopened can and the loser takes the can used in the match.
  5. Each match will be best 2 of 3 sets with regular scoring, and a seven (7) point tie breaker at six (6) all in the first two sets. If a 3rd set is required it will be played as a Championship ten point tiebreaker.
  6. If the challenger wins, positions are exchanged, if not, positions remain the same.
  7. The winner is responsible for recording the outcome of the match in the designated discussion forum in our Whats App group page.
  8. The ladder will be changed by midnight on a Monday.
  9. If either player fails to arrive within fifteen (15) minutes of the scheduled start time, the challenge is either dropped or defaulted, depending on which player is late. If a match is defaulted, it should be recorded as such.
  10. Watch out for 5-up challenges – there will be weeks when we announce a 5-up challenge which allows you to challenge anyone up to 5 places directly above you.

If you have any questions, please post them in our discussion forum on our Whats App group page. If you would like more information or to be added to the ladder WhatsApp group, please message Sue at 07956 657 393.