Tennis Court Upgrade Work - update: 18 June 2024

Works update: 18/06/2024

Gate installation took place on 18 June 2024 at Goswells Park/Alexandra Gardens, and the courts are now bookable via the clubspark platform - here.

Final Painting work is scheduled for 20 June 2024 at Desborough Park, following the curing time they will reopen from Tuesday 25th June 2024.  Bookings can be made here.

The painting of the other sites is provisionally booked for w/c 24 June or 30 June 2024, with  Goswells Park/Alexandra Gardens likely to be first, followed by Kidwells Park.  The painting and curing time is expected to take around 5 days at each site.

Adjustments are required to the gate at Kidwells Park before this can open, this work is booked for 10 July 2024,  or earlier if a cancellation in other installations occurs.  Subject to the above being completed the courts will be open to the public from this time. 

The courts at Goswells Park/Alexandra Gardens and Desborough Park courts are avaiable to book - if you notice any errors with the website or the booking process, or wish to provide feedback please contact