
The two tennis courts in Desborough Park in Maidenhead were upgraded as part of the LTA Park Tennis Project over the course of late 2023 and early 2024.  The courts are situated next to Larchfield Community Centre, a MUGA, a children's play area and an outdoor gym.

Parking is available in the car park next to Larchfield Community Centre, which is accessed from Desborough Crescent.

It's also situated just off cycle network 4 which provides good active transport opportunities - more details here.

The nearset bus stops are listed below,  bus routes can be found here.

- Curls Road

- Fane Way

- Wootton Way


How to Book:

Step 1: Select your venue from the drop down list at the top of the page and click on the Booking tab

Step 2: Select a playing time and click to book. You will then be prompted to register for a free account or login.

NB for those using Pay and Play you will pay at this point before your booking can be confirmed.

Step 3: Complete your booking and note down your unique PIN.

Step 4: Enter your PIN at the gate and enjoy your game!

NB - Please check your junk / spam inbox when booking courts for your access code. 

How to find us

Desborough Park
Desborough Crescent

Get directions