Tennis Court Booking

We have 2 floodlit painted tarmac courts which are available for booking between 7am and 10pm, except for when they are in use for tennis league matches, coaching, club sessions or competitions.

Bookings may be made by anyone holding Full Playing Membership up to 2 weeks in advance.There are no court fees for Full Playing Members. The charge for Full Playing members' guests (ie anyone who does not hold Full Playing Membership) is £2 each per hour. Guests should be identified at the time a booking is made and may use club facilities up to 3 times in any year. 

A member is considered to hold Full Playing membership only if they hold one of the following memberships :- Adult Playing, Family Playing, Wheelchair Tennis, Junior or Junior who is part of a Family Social Membership.

Anyone else may book a court up to one week in advance at a cost of £10 per hour.

Floodighting is controlled by tokens, which can be purchased from the committee, currently £2/hr which covers both courts. Please arrange by leaving a message here. The lights are LED so there is no delay or cooling down period needed. Lights MUST be off by 10:30pm, our planning permission depends on it! Best bring a torch and be aware, it can be very dark up there and there is NO warning before the timer switches them off, you might want to set an alarm.

For access you will need to unlock the gates to the ground and to the courts using the padlock combination codes which you will receive via email once you have made a booking. Don't forget to lock-up as you leave!

The courts are for playing tennis only. 

Please use proper non-marking footwear and take away any rubbish when you leave.

Be aware that the courts can be slippery in damp and frosty weather, you use them at your own risk so please make your own assessment of the conditions before and during play.

Stay safe and enjoy your tennis!

Members will need to be logged in to avoid being charged, non-members will need to create an account to pay by credit card.