Welcome to Woking Park Tennis


Welcome to Woking Park Tennis, your easily accessible and affordable tennis location in the heart of Woking. We want to allow everyone to enjoy their tennis, regardless of their age, background or ability and will be developing a full range of activities to suit everybody.

Working in partnership with long established sports providers; Woking Lawn Tennis & Croquet Club, Woking Borough Council and the Lawn Tennis Association; we’ll be giving everyone the chance to try tennis and get involved in the great sport of TENNIS!

Bookings are now available for the following term, just click on the adult or junior coaching page.

For HOLIDAY CAMPS, please follow the link for future dates and bookings.

Latest news

Junior & Adult Programme, Whatsapp Community, Discount Codes

Adult & Junior Coaching Updates

What's coming up after half term

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How to find us

Woking Park Tennis
Woking Park
Kingfield Road
GU22 9BA

Get directions

Our Partners

Woking Borough Council
Woking Lawn Tennis Club
Wishel Lawn Tennis Club