Membership Application Forms

Wormit and Newport Membership Application Forms.
If you prefer to fill in a paper membership form rather than join online download the relevant application form (below), complete and send using one of the following ..
- Scan formand email to or
- Post to WANT Membership Secretary, Linda Baird, 8 Hillpark Terrace, Wormit DD6 8PN
Payment can be made in one of the following ways..
- Bank Transfer – in today's technological world this is the easiest way to pay your fees. When paying by bank transfer please ensure you put the category you are paying as the reference. Once we have received your completed application form our Membership Secretary will contact you with details to allow you to make a bank transfer.
- Cheque – if you prefer to pay by cheque please make the cheque payable to “Wormit & Newport Tennis Club” and either give to a member of the committee or post to WANT Membership Secretary, Linda Baird, 8 Hillpark Terrace, Wormit DD6 8PN
- Cash – please pay cash to a committee member only and please ensure that you are given a receipt. Do not post cash for membership into the clubhouse post-boxes.
Membership Forms
- Family Membership 2024
- Adult Membership 2024
- Junior Membership 2024