We currently have 3 Mens Teams, 3 Ladies Teams and 2 Junior Teams competing in the Fylde League in different divisions offering competitive tennis for varying levels.
We also have two mixed teams competing in the Ribble League.
For further information on competing in the Mens Team please phone the Mens Captain Ralph Cairns on 07957 221623.
2020 Season
Mens First Team Division 3
Mens A Team Division 5
Mens B Team Division 8
Likewise for information on competing in the Ladies Team please phone the Ladies Captain Karen Youles on 07932 730613.
2020 Season
Ladies First Team Division 2
Ladies A Team Division 4
Ladies B Team Division 4
We also have two mixed teams competing in the Ribble League.
Ribble A Team Division 2
Ribble B Team Division 4
In addition to being competitive all of our teams have a great social atmosphere and after home matches in particular always put on a spread for all players to enjoy.
We have two teams...an under 14 and an under 17 in the Fylde League.