
Wrekin and Telford Tennis Club

The Lawn Tennis Association Limited (the LTA) strives to ensure that all children, young people and adults at risk are safeguarded from abuse and have an enjoyable tennis experience.
This document sets out the policy of the LTA for the capture and use of photographic, video or other images at the tennis competitions and tournaments run by the LTA (LTA Staged). For the avoidance of doubt, these guidelines also apply to live broadcasts on social media or other platforms.
The LTA is keen to promote positive images of individuals playing tennis and is not preventing the use of photographic or videoing equipment. However, please be aware that some people may use sporting events as an opportunity to take inappropriate photographs or film footage.
In addition, this document sets out some guidelines for other tennis venues and organisations running tennis competitions on behalf of the LTA (LTA Approved).

LTA Staged Competitions refers to all tennis competitions and tournaments that are organised and delivered by the LTA (excluding the Fever-Tree Championships, the Nature Valley Classic, the Nature Valley Open, the Nature Valley International and the series of events known as the Trophy Series). Examples of LTA Staged Competitions include:
• LTA Junior Internationals
• LTA Pro Series
• LTA National Junior Championships
• LTA National League Finals
• Winter Regional Tour
• Quorn Family Tennis Cup Festival Days
• County Cup
Official photography and filming at all LTA Staged Competitions may only be carried out by an LTA approved photographer or videographer who should be clearly identifiable. The LTA advises that individuals are informed in advance where official photography and filming will be taking place (usually via the Online Tournament Entry Terms and Conditions). Consent may be required in accordance with the data protection provisions detailed on page 3.
No other professional photography or filming shall be permitted onsite at LTA Staged Competitions, except in the following circumstances:
1) the images are captured with the express permission of:
a) the relevant player(s); or
b) where the player is under 18 years old, the images are captured by the parent or legal guardian of the player or with the express permission of the parent or legal guardian of the relevant player(s); and
2) the photographer or videographer has notified the Tournament Director and/or ITF Supervisor/Referee of the LTA Staged Competition before the start of the match, and has obtained the relevant permissions (from parent or legal guardians if under 18).
For the avoidance of doubt the following is not permitted onsite at LTA Staged Competition:
• Photographic equipment with lenses of more than 300mm when extended is not permitted other than for use by LTA approved photographers or videographers.
• The capture of images for commercial gain in any circumstances.
Images captured by a parent/legal guardian or close family member for personal use are acceptable; however this should not be with photographic equipment with lenses of more than 300mm when extended.
Individuals must not hold themselves out to be official LTA photographers unless they have been appointed to such a position by the LTA, this appointment having been explicitly confirmed in writing.
Where any player, their parent or a coach requests to film their match for video analysis purposes, the following must be adhered to:
1) the images are captured with the express permission of:
a) the relevant player(s); or
b) where the player is under 18 years old, the images are captured by the parent or legal guardian of the player or with the express permission of the parent, legal guardian or team captain (having obtained the parent/ legal guardian’s permission) of the relevant player(s); and
2) the player, parent or coach has notified the Tournament Director and/or Referee of the LTA Approved Competition before the start of the match, and has obtained the relevant permissions.
For all other tennis competitions that are not LTA Staged Competitions, known as LTA Approved Competitions, the LTA recommends that tennis venues and organisations that are holding tennis competitions only permit the following groups of people to capture images of the players:
• Official media outlets (such as local newspapers) who should be easily identifiable and follow the requirements of this policy.
• A designated member of the event team taking pictures such as the prize giving photos who should be easily identifiable.
• Images captured by a parent/legal guardian or close family member for personal use, however this should not be with photographic equipment with lenses of more than 300mm when extended.
The LTA advises that individuals are informed in advance where official photography and filming will be taking place (usually via the Online Tournament Entry Terms and Conditions) and that consent is obtained from that individual or their parent/guardian to the capture and publication of such images in accordance with the data protection requirements outlined on page 3.
In the event that a player wishes to enter into a private arrangement with a commercial photographer or videographer, the photographer or videographer must have the express consent of that player (or their parent or legal guardian where the player is under 18 years old) and the LTA recommends that tennis venues and organisations make any such photographer/videographer aware that they should be notifying the Competition Director of their attendance at the competition.
Individuals must not hold themselves out to be official LTA photographers unless they have been appointed to such a position by the LTA, this appointment having been explicitly confirmed in writing.
The LTA advises that if a competition or tournament wishes to have an official competition photographer they must follow the safe recruitment process which is available on the LTA Website. The LTA advises that the photographer should not be seen as having an official association with the competition unless you have followed a safe recruitment process. For example you should not provide a photographer with a desk in your competition office / clubhouse unless you have followed a safe recruitment process.
The LTA recommends that the venue provides a sign informing players/spectators if an official competition photographer is present.
Where any player, their parent or a coach requests to film their match for video analysis purposes, the following must be adhered to:
1) the images are captured with the express permission of:
a) the relevant player(s); or
b) where the player is under 18 years old, the images are captured by the parent or legal guardian of the player or with the express permission of the parent, legal guardian or team captain (having obtained the parent/ legal guardian’s permission) of the relevant player(s); and
2) the player, parent or coach has notified the Competition Director and/or Referee of the LTA Approved Competition before the start of the match, and has obtained the relevant permissions.
All individuals featured in photographs or film captured must be:
• Appropriately dressed with clothing covering their torso from their neck to their thighs (e.g. a t-shirt and shorts or skirt). Images of individuals in a state of undress, such as whilst they are changing before or after a match should not be captured or shared in any circumstance;
• Featured with people engaging in tennis;
• In groups with other children or adults where possible; and
• Representative of diversity across tennis with regard to age, gender, ethnicity and disability.
When publishing images in publicity material, online, in print and/or on social media the LTA advises thought to be given to the selection of images used. It is advisable not to use the full name of an individual featured or any other additional detailed information, and consent from that individual or their parent/guardian should be obtained in advance.
The LTA reserves the right to ask for photographs or film to be deleted and/or removed from internet sites or social media platforms.
There is no intention to prevent coaches using video equipment as a legitimate coaching aid, however, players and parents/guardians should consent to this image capture and be made aware that this is part of the coaching programme and that material will be stored securely and deleted or destroyed when requested or no longer needed.
Under applicable data protection legislation, including the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and the Data Protection Act 2018, individuals have a right to object to their images being processed. Depending on the circumstance, consent from the individual or their parent/guardian should be obtained before capturing, sharing or publishing images where an individual is identifiable. Whilst it is not always possible to avoid a specific image being captured, where an individual does object to their image being captured, attempts should be made to avoid photographing that individual and images of them should be deleted on request. In addition, as with all personal data, images and footage should be processed in accordance with the applicable data protection principles, other relevant legislation and guidance.

If you have any questions on these guidelines or their implementation, please contact

Version 1 15/07/2024
Approved at WTTC Committee Meeting on 04/09/2024
Welfare Officer Peter Cloherty
Chairperson Paul Godwin
Review and renewal date 06/2027