Our Facilities

Clubhouse: The clubhouse is a wonderful facility for members to meet, relax and watch tennis. We have changing rooms, showers, toilets and a disabled toilet all regularly cleaned. Furthermore, we have a kitchen where hot/cold meals and drinks can be made to your satisfaction. We try to keep the clubhouse as presentable as possible, so we encourage members to do the same. Monthly activities and tournaments are posted in the clubhouse. Check the notice boards for frequent updates. Additionally, we have a portable defibrillator which was donated by Bob Jones (Filterite Ltd) if it is ever needed.

Courts: We have a total of 4 artificial grass courts devoted entirely to members, available for club nights and for tournaments. Three of our courts are floodlit and tennis takes place all throughout the year whatever the weather.

Tennis Balls: Free use of tennis balls upon membership to the club which are available in the basket by the entrance door. What’s more, new tennis balls will be provided when organised activities happen, for example American tournaments, League matches and in-house tournaments.

Floodlights: Free use of floodlights upon membership to the club. The switch to turn on/off the floodlights are situated by the entrance door.

Footwear: All shoes worn on the courts shall be recognised tennis footwear.  This is for two reasons; ‘other’ shoes can mark and damage the courts and non-tennis shoes do not grip the court as well and can cause accidents and avoidable injury. The Artificial grass is sensitive to damage therefore only tennis shoes are allowed on these courts.