Welcome to Broadbridge Heath Tennis Club

Latest Update from the BBHTC Committee









Important reminder

Can we please remind all members to ensure the courts have been properly locked when they leave.





Broadbridge Heath Tennis Club A.G.M.

Monday 25th November 2024

7pm in Parish Room, Warnham


Committee members: Mike Coombs, Ann Lines, Paul Singleton , Jo Waddingham, Janet Applegate, Martin Calway, Nick Malzer

Club members:, Peter Ballard,, Mike Doran, Lawrence McGraghan, Daniel Evans, Rob Flavell, John Bicknell

Apologies: Rick Hall, Jackie, Calway, Annabel Walker, Jackie Hepburn, Sue Whitty, Jenny Faulkner, Michael Heeley, Roger White, Ian Jaffe

Minutes of the 2022 AGM

Accepted as a true record of the meeting. Proposed Martin Calway, Seconded Janet Applegate.

Matters Arising from the Minutes:

To be covered later in meeting.

Chairmans report. A copy of the report is attached in the file

  • Martin and Nick joined committee this year, Paul took role of Treasurer and Jo now Safeguarding Officer.
  • Membership stands at 66,
  • Funds rely on 65 members to keep to our financial plan
  • Finances are strong
  • Moss treatments undertaken, courts repainted in 2022 and are in good condition.
  • Tues/ Fri group members, run on a rota  by Jo but any member welcome to join.
  • Wed and Fri mens group run on a rota by John Bicknell and similarly any member is welcome to join, note to be put on website to this effectSummer doubles competitions for Ladies and Men.3 airs ladies and 7 pairs men
  • Cups to be kept in Greets cabinet.
  • Thanks were given to Janet for organising this.
  • Rosie’s memorial tournament took place in the Spring organised by Mike
  • A working party took place in March and another is scheduled for 30th Nov to improve the path to the courts.
  • Peter has handed  leaf blower to Martin. Thanks were given to Martin for all his hard work keeping shrubs and undergrowth cut back around courts.
  • The cesspit belonging to Broomhall has been replaced so it is hoped the issues arising from the foul water will be resolved.
  • Quiz in March was very successful with £650 raised. Another has been booked for 15th February
  • Thanks were given to Ann in her role as secretary and to Paul as Treasurer.

Treasurer’s report:  A copy of the report is attached in the file separately.

  • Paul reported that the club is in a healthy position with a balance of £26k in the bank.He highlighted that subscription income was slightly down.
  • It was agreed that committee should raise subscriptions slightly, by approx 2 percent in most areas but it was suggested keeping family memberships static in the hope of attracting more younger players.

The report was proposed by Janet Applegate and seconded by Martin Calway

Election of committee

A discussion was held on limiting the number of years an Officer should remain in role . Ann has been secretary for 17 years and Mike as Chairs almost the same. and they feel this may deter others from stepping forward. It was decided by the majority to alter the constitution to limit the years in office to 5 but with the possibility to extend if all parties wish for this. Committee to review wording.


Chair -Mike agreed to stand for another year. Proposed Martin Calway Seconded John Bicknell

Secretary -Ann agreed to stand another year Proposed Janet Applegate secondedLawrence McGraghan

Treasurer -Paul offered to stand  again Proposed Jo Waddingham seconded Mike Doran


Ideas and suggestions from the floor:

  • Improve and expand social media for advertising and attracting members
  • Merging of social play groups within the club more


Mike presented trophies

  • In absence to Annabel Walker and Jackie Hepburn winners of the Ladies Doubles
  • To Mike Doran and his partner Alan McLean winners of the Mens Doubles
  • Meeting closed at 9pm




!st April 2024

The new season has started! Details on renewing your membership are in the newsletter below. A huge thank you to all those who have already renewed with almost everyone using stripe payment, it has nade the admin so much easier and is very much appreciated.


BBHTC Newsletter & Membership Renewal Details - Spring 2024

Now that the clocks are about to change, we look forward to a new season and we hope that you will once again enjoy a great year of tennis at the Club.


Membership and Subscriptions. The committee continues to promote the Club as widely as possible. Last season saw a number of new members and we am pleased to say that we have maintained our membership at approximately 70.

As reported at the AGM in November, we have not increased membership fees this season.

Existing members, please ensure that you have logged on to our website (go to top right-hand button). Once logged on, go to the Membership page and scroll down to the heading “Memberships” then select your Membership Package by pressing “Join” and follow the instructions including how to pay. Failure to follow this sequence will result in you not having full access to bookings and court access padlock codes.

Court bookings can be made up to 3 weeks in advance but only on our website.

Social tennis sessions have been scheduled this season for Tuesday and Friday mornings. For further details please contact Jo Waddingham at jowaddingham@btinternet.com

Coaching - Nigel Matthews, an LTA level 5 Masters club coach can be accessed through our website or directly at  www.matthewstenniscoaching.com.

Upcoming Events – details nearer the time to follow by email: -


  • Summer American Tournaments - May & July


  • Summer Social - June


  • Summer Round Robin Doubles Gentlemen and Ladies Tournaments – April to September


  • AGM – November


  • Winter Social – December


  • Quiz evening¹ –


¹The club recently held its annual fundraising quiz in February raising £550 which will help to pay for our twice annual moss treatment that helps to keep the courts in such excellent condition.  Eleven teams consisting of 66 members and their guests enjoyed a highly entertaining evening with a fish and chip supper. The winning team was The Spangle Sisters with Mike Doran, Ian & Jackie Jaffe, Paul & Sue Cox and John Browning. Thanks to Mark and Beitris McCord for being such fantastic quizmasters. 


Thank you for renewing your membership once again this year and we look forward to seeing you on court. Have a great season!








Minutes of Club AGM

Monday 20th November 2023

7.30pm in Parish Room, Warnham


Present: Committee members: Mike Coombs, Ann Lines, Tim Shelton, Sue Whitty, Jo Waddingham, Janet Applegate Michael Heeley

Club members:  Alan McLean,   Martin Calway, Peter Ballard,, Rick Hall

Non members  Joanne Coombs Steve Marsh

Apologies:    Paul Singleton, Jackie Calway, Mike Doran, Mark McCord, Lawrence McGraghan


Minutes of the 2022 AGM

Accepted as a true record of the meeting. Proposed Sue Whitty, Seconded Janet Applegate.


Matters Arising from the Minutes:

Smell from ditch still an ongoing issue despite Martin Calway and Ann both contacting HDC and the Env Agency. Ann suggested that when members notice this they should email Ann so that she can pass these on.


Chairmans report. A copy of the report is attached in the file

  • Membership stands at 66, slightly down on last year.
  • Funds rely on 65 members to keep to our financial plan
  • Finances are strong
  • Tues/ Fri group approx 12 members, run on a rota  by Jo but any member welcome to join.
  • Wed and Fri mens group run on a rota by John Bicknell and similarly any member is welcome to join.
  • Had 2 American Tournaments this year which were very successful
  • Some members not receiving emails, Ann to investigate
  • Benches at courts donated in memory of Rosie, Browning also a tournament was held in her memory. This to be repeated and is open to all members.
  • The idea of resuming tournaments was floated. It was decided to hold Mens doubles and Women’s doubles. Janet offered to organise and Ann to help her with the set up.
  • Maintenance has included moss treatments in Jan and Nov. Courts in good condition. Thanks was given to all those who had helped with bark chip spreading and general tidying up and especially to Peter and Micheal who have regularly tidied around the courts and done considerable tree and shrub cutting back.
  • Floodlights- Mike suggested that those who were keen to play in winter evenings try using the courts in Horsham Park. These are very reasonable to hire. All present agreed that this was a sensible idea and there was general consensus that there wasn’t enough players wanting that facility to warrant the installation costs.
  • Clubspark is generally running well and thanks were given to Keith Beaney and Ann for their work on this.
  • Quiz was a success, Paul did a great job as quiz master sand it was suggested that we hold another early in 2024
  • Alan McLean hosted a charity event in Rosies memory and many of the club attended. Over £18,000 was raised.
  • The Tues/Fri group have held 2 drinks socials and are planning a skittles evening.
  • Mike thanked all the committee and especially Ann and Tim. Tim wishes to retire from Committee and Mike pointed out that he has served for 30 years and approximately 20 of those have been as Treasurer. Everyone joined in applauding him in a show of thanks.

Treasurer’s report:  A copy of the report is attached in the file separately.

Tim reported that the club is in a healthy position with a balance of £23k in the bank.

The report was proposed by Sue Whitty and seconded by Michael Heeley

Election of committee

Chair -Mike agreed to stand for another year. Proposed Alan McLean Seconded Martin Calway

Secretary -Ann agreed to stand another year Proposed Janet Applegate seconded Michael Heeley

Treasurer Paul offered to stand Proposed Janet Applegate second Sue Whitty


Michael Heeley wished to resign from Committee

Sue Whitty, Janet Applegate and Jo Waddingham all happy to remain

Committee now needs 2 more members, nobody at the meeting was willing to stand. All those present asked to approach members and Ann to putt a piece on the website asking for volunteers. In order for the Club to continue to function we need 2 members to join the committee.


Ideas and suggestions from the floor:


  • Ann to ask Paprish Council about cutting back tress and shrubs on road side of courts
  • Alan suggested setting up a WhatsApp group for sending messages to members. Committee to discuss
  • Peter said he had written to the MP about the lorries passing the Courts. Will wait to see outcome of this but general consensus was that this was legal and nothing could be done.
  • Meeting closed at 8.45pm





Court Bookings and Padlock Combinations

The Padlock combinations for the year April 2024 - March 2025 can be downloaded here:

Open Court Combinations Document (PDF, password required)


You can book a court by clicking here:

Click here to book a court

Please add all participants names when booking. 

Members can invite guests to play with them however we would ask that if the same guest wishes to play more than 3 times that they join the club. Please don't forget to add their name as a participant when booking and pay £2.50/guest/session which should be paid on-line.

The padlock code will be changed on the 1st of each month and new codes are available in the document on this page, the access password for this is contained in an email when you renew membership.

We would ask that members PLEASE wear alternative footwear to cross the muddy field then change into tennis shoes at the courts.



We are a small village club with two all weather courts situated next to the Cricket Ground off Byfleets Lane, between the villages of Broadbridge Heath and Warnham in the county of West Sussex.

  • We cater for all standards of ability and all types of membership.
  • We run events throughout the summer months.


Interested in joining BBHTC?

Please click  the "About membership" button on the right to see our membership packages. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.




How to find us

Broadbridge Heath Tennis Club
Broadbridge Heath Road, Warnham Common
RH12 3PA

Get directions