Membership Fees for the period 1st April 2024 until 31st March 2025
Note: Full year membership subscription rates for the 2024/25 remain as for 2023/24:
Adult Single £68
Adult Couple £110
Family £125
Junior 8-18 £18
Senior 75+ £25
Student 19-25 £25
Social (Non Playing) £18
LTA "Advantage Play" Membership
We encourage all of our members (inluding seniors, juniors, parents) to take up LTA Advantage Play Membership. "Advantage Play" membership is free and gives you access to exclusive offers, discounts on tickets and clothing, plus access to the Wimbledon Ballot. The more members who opt-into the Wimbledon ballot, the more tickets the club will be allocated. Opting-in must be done every year, you will be notified when opt-in is open.
To sign up for LTA Advantage Play Membership click on this link. Then choose either "Fan/Player, Advantage Play" for adults or "Junior, Advantage Play". Then click the appropriate link and fill in the form on the subsequent page. Please select Broadbridge Heath Tennis Club as your LTA Registered Venue.
Please note: LTA Advantge Play is a rebadged "LTA Lite" membership. If you are already an "LTA Lite" member you do not need to sign up for "LTA Advantage Play".
BBHTC Membership
Our membership year runs from 1st April until 31st March. There are no joining fees or playing in requirements.
Please include names and date of birth for all within your membership category.
Existing Members- Renewing Your Membership
Please note that we are encouraging members to pay for their membership renewal using a credit or debit card. You can find out more about this by reading the paragreph "Membership Renewal- Payment by Debit or Credit Card" below.
If you are an existing BBHTC member and wish to renew your membership please follow these steps:
1. Please make sure you have signed in using the “Sign In” link at the top right of this page. You must sign in using your LTA username name and password. Failure to sign in means you will not have access to court bookings and receive club emails.
2. Once you have signed in scroll down to the “Memberships” section on the Membership page.
3. Then click on the “Join now” button alongside the membership package that you wish to sign up to.
4. Now follow the on screen instructions including checking your contact details
Membership Renewal- Payment by Debit or Credit Card
It would be very helpful to the club if you could renew your membership by making payment with a Credit or Debit card. To do this select the "Pay in full using a Credit/Debit Card" option when applying online. Membership payments made in this way will result in your membership being renewed immediately.
Please note that credit and debit payments made to BBHTC online use the LTA recommended Stripe system. Stripe is a very widely used secure credit card payment system. You can read more about Stripe here.
Alternatively you can choose to make your payment by BACS (bank transfer). To do this select the "Other Payment" option when applying online. However your membership payment will be need to be manually processed and this option places an extra administrative load on committee members all of whom are volunteers and so may result in a slight delay.
BBHTC bank details for your BACS transfer are:
Bank Name: Cater Allen Bank
Account name: Broadbridge Heath Tennis Club
Account number : 46184867
Account sort number: 16-57-10
Reference: Your surname followed by your first name or initial
New Members- How to Join BBHTC
Please note that we are encouraging new members to pay for their membership renewal using a credit or debit card. You can find out more about this by reading the paragreph "New Members- Payment by Debit or Credit Card" below.
If you have not done so already we recommend that you register for LTA "Advantage Play" membership before applying to join BBHTC . To register with the LTA please follow the instructions at the top of this page.
Next please follow these steps to join BBHTC:
1. Go to the Membership page and scroll down to the "Memberships" section.
2. Next click on the "Join now" button alongside the membership package that you wish to apply for.
3. Now click on the LTA button and sign in using your LTA Username and Password.
4. Complete the details of individual members as appropriate, followed by "Next". Please register using your email and a password completing all sections (including your address).
New Members- Payment by Debit or Credit Card
It would be very helpful to the club if you could apply for membership by making payment with a Credit or Debit card. To do this select the "Pay in full using a Credit/Debit Card" option when applying online. Membership payments made in this way will result in your membership being renewed immediately.
Please note that credit and debit payments made to BBHTC online use the LTA recommended Stripe system. Stripe is a very widely used secure credit card payment system. You can read more about Stripe here.
Alternatively you can choose to make your payment by BACS (bank transfer). To do this select the "Other Payment" option when applying online. However please note that your membership payment will be will be need to be manually processed and that this option places an extra administrative load on committee members all of whom are volunteers and so may result in a slight delay.
BBHTC bank details for your BACS transfer are:
Bank Name: Cater Allen Bank
Account name: Broadbridge Heath Tennis Club
Account number : 46184867
Account sort number: 16-57-10
Reference: Your surname followed by your first name or initial
A note on General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
GDPR is a regulation that requires businesses to protect the personal data and privacy of EU citizens for transactions that occur within EU member states. The ClubSpark database is provided for LTA venues by Sportlabs Technology Ltd (who have confirmed that it is GDPR compliant) to hold members’ data to enable use of the electronic booking system and so that we can contact you. Please note that your data will not be used for marketing purposes.
Adult 2025-2026
01/04/2025- 31/03/2026
One Adult
Adult Couple 2025-2026
01/04/2025- 31/03/2026
Adult couple
Family (Partners & Children up to 18) 2025-26
01/04/2025- 31/03/2026
Family Membership
Eligibility: This package includes partners as well as children up to the age of 18.
Junior (aged 8 to 18) 2025-2026
01/04/2025- 31/03/2026
Junior members
Eligibility: Aged 8-18
Senior (aged 75+) 2025-2026
01/04/2025- 31/03/2026
Reduced cost membership
Eligibility: With proof of age.
Social (non playing) 2025-2026
01/04/2025- 31/03/2026
Social membership is non playing membership for a single adult.
Student (aged 18 to 25) 2025-2026
01/04/2025- 31/03/2026
Reduced cost membership
Eligibility: With student card.