
Airdome over courts 9 & 10

The contractors have nearly completed the first phase of the groundwork with the remaining item, the tarmac, being laid late next week.  They will then paint temporary lines on the courts, provide new nets and posts so the courts can then be used.  

The work will be finally completed when the carpet is laid sometime in Spring/ Early Summer.

The weather has not been helpful and the Contractors have struggled with the ground being wet, muddy and claggy.  When the tarmac courts are available for play it would be preferable to keep the surface as clean as possible and to prevent players walking straight across the grass onto the courts. 

You will see a new patio viewing area has been created between the revolving door pad and the summer container pad.  This required an increased amount of paving over and above that specified in the design spec for the path running to the container pad, but it eliminated a small stretch of grass which would be difficult to maintain and it was felt this created a worthwhile viewing area.  The paved ramped area to the courts has been moved by re-seating the existing paving slabs and a small planting pocket created courtside next to the ramp.  A low level fence has also been created at the start of the path outside the club back door.

The landscaping of the area between the courts and the car park can only be completed when the land has dried out.  Contractors will do this when the ground is drier. Similarly the new ramp from the car park to the courts will be finished with a grid with soil that can then be seeded. All the landscaped areas will need to be seeded.   

Benches around the courts have been removed, those capable of being reused will be stored for re-siting at a later date.