Non-Members - Pay & Play

Non-Members can book a court to Pay & Play!
Court charges are £12/court/hour. You can book a court up to 3 days in advance.
You can see what courts are available to book for Pay & Play, by clicking the 'Bookings' tab at the top of the page.
If you would like to book a court:
Click on an available timeslot (on the correct date for you and within the next 3 days) and it should take you to the Clubspark login/register page.
Enter your login details if you have registered on our site previously, alternatively click the link to register.
Enter your details and click 'sign in'.
It will now take you back to the bookings page.
Continue with your booking.
Please note; minimum time slot is 1 hour, maximum time slot is 2 hours. You can book an available court up to 3 days in advance. You may make a maximum of 2 bookings within a 7 day period.
Please confirm you have read and will adhere to our terms and conditions for attending the club (this includes ettiquette information to follow whilst at the club).
You will now be directed to make payment and you will receive a confirmation e-mail with a gate code to enter the club . (The code is unique and will only work at the time of your boooking)
Please bring your own equipment (racquet and balls).
Please play on the court number that you booked to avoid confusion with other players. Courts 1 is the first court in front of you as you enter through the gate, Courts 7,8 and 9 are up the stairs. Court numbers are on the net posts.
We really hope you enjoy your visit to our club and if you would like any more information about becoming a full member please e-mail:
Please note that for bookings after sunset lights will only be available if a member is present to gain access to the clubhouse.
Thinking of taking up a sport?
Read the article "Why Tennis" to see what tennis has to offer you.
Not sure if Blaydon Tennis Club is right for you?
The article "No Barriers" will help you decide.
Ladies, how about trying out a cardio fitness session incorporating some basic tennis skills, on a Thursday Morning 9.30-10.30am.
Contact our coach Jonathan on 07970 167234 to sign up or find out more.
Still unsure!
If you would like to try before joining the club please contact us at
We can organise for you to come and visit the club and show you around.
We can book a court for you and a friend/family to try before you commit.
We can introduce you to our team of coaches and they can tell you all about the group and individual coaching options they offer.
We can arrange for you to join in a club social session to meet some members and find out more about the club.
If you are a complete beginner how about you take up a Coaching Only Membership and book onto one of the coaching sessions provided by our excellent team of coaches, Newton Tennis. Then once you become more confident and want to play more and find other like minded members to arrange a game with, we can upgrade your membership package to suit.
Ready to join our club?
2024/25 Membership now available!
Click here, or on the 'Membership' tab at the top of this page to view:
- The benefits of membership,
- Our membership packages and costs,
- Ways to pay.