

Further to the information sent out last week about safeguarding, it appears there was no attachment as alluded to in the text. We are having a temporary issue with the way in which we send out emails (more details below) so the documents have been posted to the website. Here is the link to the Safeguarding page of our website where you will find our Safe to Play document about how to report any safeguarding issues, and also our new Compliments and Complaints Policy.

Helping Hands

Our tennis club bins now have BLTC stickers on them, so if you see a bin at the end of the drive that has been emptied, whatever colour it is, please return it to the club. The club is run by volunteers so any small gestures of help are always appreciated. Thank you.


Email issues

ClubSpark has updated the contacts module of the website so that only those who have paid 2025 fees will receive emails. This is the last email the non-paid members will receive until their membership is at least part-paid. They say this update is “to make sure emails are going out to the right people”. Unfortunately it doesn’t take into account small clubs like ours who allow a short grace period to pay their fees.


Apologies for the inconvenience but the latest newsletters can, as always, be found at the bottom of the home page of our Website.