Fri, 10 Jan 2025 00:00

Frosty or frozen courts
We would like to remind all members and coaches that there can be no play on any of the club's courts whenever they are frozen or likely to be affected by frost. This is likely to be whenever the outside temperature is registering 2 degrees or below. This is primarily concerned with users' safety, but also the added risk of potential damage to the courts. Often the surface may present as non-slippy/frozen but actually the very fine fibres within the mat are rigid and risk breakage so damaging the surface if played upon. Ultimately common-sense must prevail. Thank you for your cooperation.
On a similar note, courts 1, 2 and 3 have deteriorated significantly over the winter and have been closed for reasons of safety, and the nets have been removed. This will be reviewed regularly. As you may be aware of, plans are underway to replace these courts, but until then we need to make sure you as members have safe surfaces to play on.
Hitting sessions
A message from Hannah: Hitting sessions for Men’s 1st and 2nd team players and Ladies’ 1st team players will begin on Friday 17th January, 18.30 – 20.00.
Reporting faults
We often rely on you, as members, to report to us anything which needs repairing, or renewing. The number to contact has changed because of recent committee changes. If you spot anything which is faulty or broken, please contact Roy on 07527 464751, or email us at There are posters up around the grounds with this information on. Thanks for your help in keeping the clubhouse and surroundings looking good.
Membership renewal dates
Some of you have noticed that when you renew your membership the date quoted is from Sept 2025. This is a glitch in the system: it is showing as from 1/1/25 on my admin side of the website and also on the webpage, but for some reason the reply emails are showing as from 1/9/25. Please be assured that your membership starts on 1st January 2025. I have contacted the techies at ClubSpark to see if they can correct this, but don’t let it put you off renewing your membership!
Linda Walker
Membership Secretary
BoTL winners
7/12/24 no 119: Iain Williamson £25
14/12/24 no 111: Alan Walker £25
21/12/24 no 40: Tracey Hall £25
28/12/24 no 9 Derek Brewis £100 (Quarterly draw)
4/1/25 no 125: Viv Wilson £25
This year the Boldon Tennis Lottery has raised around £1350 for the club. Thanks to all of you who contribute to this. Want to be part of the weekly draw for a 50p weekly stake paid every 4 weeks by standing order? It’s not just open to members: friends and family can join too! Contact Phil at