

Race Night Saturday 22nd June @ 7pm

This is fast approaching! Tickets are £8, or £4 for U18s. Come and have a flutter and enjoy a Pie and Pea supper included in the price. (Veggie option available, please tell us when you book your tickets) Bring your own drink as usual. For tickets email us at by next week, Friday 14th June and pay your money into the usual bank account with the reference Race Night. Good Luck!


Ball Machine Offer
Don’t forget the ball machine is only £2.50 an hour for the rest of June! After feedback from members, we will also be providing, very soon, a basket of balls solely for use with the ball machine.

On the subject of balls, please remember to place your old balls, which are past their best for playing with, in the bin in the porch. We sell them to local dog walkers for £4 for 10, so it is a nice little money earner. We have raised almost £300 this year already.


Tennis kit recycling
Still on the subject of recycling, we have decided to try out a “pre-loved tennis kit” rail in the clubhouse. If you have any washed tennis kit which is still in good condition, but maybe you’ve grown out of it, you no longer like it or for whatever reason you no longer want it, bring it down to the club to put on the rail as it may be perfect for somebody else. All we ask is for a small donation to the usual bank a/c with the ref “pre loved”, if you take something from the rail for yourself.


Lost Property
The lost property box is filling up again! Please see the attached document for the current contents. Any items not claimed by 23rd June will be taken to a charity shop, or put on our own recycling rail, so have a good look to see if anything might belong to your or your child. Thank you.


Ponteland Junior Open Tennis Tournament

This is taking place on 7th - 13th July with entries opening 22nd May. Click the link below for direct access to the LTA website and tournament details. 

On behalf of Ponteland Lawn Tennis Club, many thanks for your support.


Kind regards,

Tracy Smith



Easy Fundraising

We have raised over £1300 using this app with your help. Did you know, you can get the easyfundraising Donation Reminder to find free donations for Boldon Lawn Tennis Club, no matter how you shop online? The handy shopping assistant is available for your laptop or computer, and on iOS and android devices. This means Boldon Lawn Tennis Club won’t miss out on any donations as you’re shopping online. Find out more here