

Open Day/Easter camps/Beginners coaching

The first of our Open Days will be held on Saturday 23rd March. If you know anybody who is just itching to give tennis a try, let them know.

The day will be organised as follows:

12.00-13.00 Cardio Tennis: a tennis workout program catering to all fitness levels. 
12.00-14.00 Mini Play: For youngsters up to age 11
13.00-14.00 Tennis Xpress: a beginner adult introductory coaching course for players who want to learn the basics of the sport
14.00-15.00 Family Session: speaks for itself!

For those of you with youngsters, booking for the Easter camps is now open. Here is the link for the bookings:

The beginners coaching course can be found at the same link.


Spring Tournament

Entries are now open for the Annual Spring Tournament. The dates for each event and an entry form can be found attached. Please direct any enquiries to Do not reply to this email.


Accident Book

For your information, if anyone should have an accident whilst playing tennis at Boldon, please record it in the Accident Book which is housed in a clearly labelled cupboard behind the door into the kitchen. Once it has been recorded, please let our secretary Viv Mcfarquhar know at so we can remove and store the document securely. Thank you.



Our policies have all been reviewed and updated where necessary over the last month and they can all be found here.


Minutes of Mancom meeting

The approved minutes of the January Management Committee meeting can be found here.