Junior Club Champs

Thank you to everyone who entered the Junior club championships this year. We’re looking forward to all Junior competitions starting 01 June with the finals taking place for both Adult and Junior Championships finals taking place on Saturday 7th September (weather permitting). Sunday the 8th September 2024 has been set aside as a reserve date. So, if you have entered , please make sure you are available for both dates.

Please find the Junior Club champ details Below.

THE RULES – (Juniors )


  • All matches are to be best of 3 full sets.


  • Under 9 each set is a Tie Break to 7 points (clear by 2 points)


  • Under 10, Under 12 & Under 14 – First to 4 Games (Sudden death deuce ) If One set all , Third set is a tie break First to 7 points.


  • Under 18 – 3 normal sets i.e. if 6 games all in each set, play a Tie Break first to 7 points clear by 2. 3rd set you can decide to play a normal set or a championship tiebreak (i.e. first to 10 points clear by 2)


  • Matches are to be organised amongst yourselves. Contact no’s Email addresses of all players taking part will be made available , please contact Jill for details should you require them . Please keep in mind many players have holiday plans over the summer months, so we encourage matches to be arranged as far in advance as is practical.
  • All matches are to be played by the deadline dates stipulated for each round.  Matches not completed by the deadline for each round will result in all those players concerned being withdraw from the Tournament. Please book adequate court time to allow for best of 3 set matches.
  • Matches are to be played with your own balls. Club Champs finals day match balls will be provided by the club.
  • The winning player / pair is responsible for informing the organisers of the match result within 24 hours of the match being played. Results - Google Forms
  • Should you require light tokens, please obtain these in advance at least 48hrs prior to your match. These are available through Ali, or Kev for £ 3.00 per ½ Hour. 
  • Line discrepancy calls – remember is the receivers decision.
  • Should a player be injured during the championships and not able to play by the deadline date for each round, they will have to withdraw, and the opposition will proceed to the next round.


All round must be compelted by the play by date -

  • 1st Round by 30 June 2024
  • Quarter Final by 31 July 2024
  • Semi Final by 31 August 2024


  • There will be a BBQ on finals days with Teas, cakes etc so bring along your family and friends to watch and enjoy a great day of tennis  

If you have any questions with regards to the Annual Club Tournament the please don't hesitate to contact The Club champs Committee on committee@bftc.club

Good luck to all and enjoy your Tennis

Results - Google Forms


Under 9  Singles            
Quarter Finals by 31 Jul  Semi Finals By 31 Aug  Final 7 Sep  Winner    
Jamie Bocker           
  Jamie Bocker         
James Jackson           
              Reggie Porter         
Reggie Porter           
Jack Partridge           
               Jack Partridge         
George Phillips           
Yasmin Mills           
Under 9  Doubles             
Semi Finals By 31 Aug  Final 7 Sep  Winner      
Jamie Bocker / Yasmin Mills           
  Jamie Bocker / Yasmin Mills         
Reggie Porter / Jack Partridge          
   Reggie Porter / Jack Partridge         
George Phillips / James Jackson            
Under 10  Singles            
Semi Finals By 31 Aug  Final 7 Sep  Winner      
Lois Mills           
Austin Honour           
Oliver Partridge          
Alex  Rolfe          
Under 10  Doubles             
Final 7 Sep  Winner        
Austin Honour  & Alex  Rolfe          
Lois Mills & Oliver Partridge          
Under 12  Singles            
Quarter Finals by 31 Jul  Semi Finals By 31 Aug  Final 7 Sep  Winner    
Will Thomas           
       Will Thomas         
Zac Jackson           
Rowan Bocker           
Oliver Partridge           
Henry Coupland           
Lois Mills          
Theo Phillips          
   Freddie Carr         
Freddie Carr           
Under 12  Doubles             
Semi Finals By 31 Aug  Final 7 Sep  Winner      
Will Thomas  & Freddie Carr           
   Will Thomas & Freddie Carr         
Theo Phillips & Zac Jackson           
Rowan Bocker & Henry  Coupland         
Oliver Partridge & Lois Mills           
Under 14 Singles            
Semi Finals By 31 Aug  Final 7 Sep  Winner      
Harry Bocker           
John Bedford           
Logan Williams           
   Freddie Thomas         
Freddie Thomas           
Under 14  Doubles             
Final 7 Sep  Winner        
Harry Bocker & Freddie Thomas           
John Bedford & Logan  Williams           
Under 18 Singles            
Semi Finals By 31 Aug  Final 7 Sep  Winner      
Julia Golan           
Logan Williams           
John Bedford           
Nicola Golan           
Under 18  Doubles             
Final 7 Sep  Winner        
Julia Golan & Nicola Golan           
Logan Williams & John Bedford