
Founded in 1877
BLTC was originally a club for gentlemen. With four grass courts to the east of the clubhouse. Ladies had a separate club nearby, but were permitted to play mixed doubles – by invitation – in the annual tournament!
The clubs amalgamated and in the 1920s when four more grass courts were laid to the west of the clubhouse. Further land was acquired and three hard courts were built in the 1930s. Later, following the introduction of coaching, competitive league tennis and a junior section, two more all-weather courts were laid to accommodate a greatly increased membership.
In the winter of 2003 the much loved, cramped and well-worn pavilion, whose heart dated from the club’s earliest days, was demolished. It was replaced by a clubhouse of striking design which successfully provided modern facilities while retaining its unique character.
Today, we celebrate Bowdon’s long history, and the special place it holds in the hearts of generations of local families. We have a history to treasure, but we’re also proud that we’re a club with its sights firmly focused on the future.
2018 saw the latest transformation of the club with the reaplacent of four grass courts by all-weather, floodlit courts.
We will always strive to respond to the changing demands of our membership to help them to enjoy the sport we love..
New Member welcome
Each month there is an induction session for new members at the club on Saturdays at the beginning of Club Afternoon.
If you would like a free induction to BLTC with Head of Tennis Phil Spencer then please email coaching@bowdonltc.com
The clubs first aid officer is Phil Spencer. All the coaches are also first aid trained and a first aid kit is available in the club kitchen. Its whereabouts is clearly marked on the drawer front.
A first aid course has been provided for many members at the club. Is you would like some training please let Phil know.
There is a defibrillator and all first aiders are trained to use it.