
Mens’ Teams results: South West Manchester League

A Team Captain's Report by Mark Munford

The A team got the season off to a solid start but availability meant consistency of team pairings caused us to falter for the middle part before rallying again to finish the season strongly with some great wins. A larger and stronger squad this season meant a good team vibe and that we're in danger of beating anyone on our night!  Thanks to all that played and the commitment shown, I thoroughly enjoyed being your Captain this year!

B Team Captain's Report by Paul Fellows

Well what can I say - a great season with 11 wins and only 3 losses!! This was achieved with a core of regular players and some unselfish lads who happily stepped in and performed admirably. 

Most of the guys practised all winter and turned out in some horrible Brooklands weather to improve their skills and it really paid off!! We’re all looking forward to next year and the challenge the second division will hold for us. 

C Team Captain's Report by Andrew Woodhouse

C team got off to a hesitant start but quickly found a rhythm and a reasonably consistent team. There were some very tough matches and after we’d completed all but one of our matches we were in pole position for promotion but with Heyes Grove and Sale B having matches in hand - including the crunch match between Sale B and us. We knew it would be tough, but having beaten them on home soil we were reasonably upbeat about our chances. Despite a great show by the Brooklands team, a reinforced Sale team stormed to victory and so promotion came down to Sale’s final match at Hale Barns. Sale win pushing us into 3rd place. 

We had a good core of players all season and had the support of some very talented junior players (Nic Harney and Seb McKinstry). 

Thanks to all those who gave up their time and fought hard. Promotion is definitely the aim for 2023!

D Team Captain's Report by Ian Hughes

The D team struggled this summer, waiting until the final game of the season to win a point from a 6-6 draw v Claremont D. We didn’t have the usual influx of keen, well-coached juniors to do the running! Also,  unbelievably, we had to concede sets in 3 matches due to on-court injuries! The worst of these was Ian Stevenson’s ruptured Achilles’ tendon - not nice to see or hear! We wish him a full recovery. The good news is that we expect a stronger turnout for the end of season beer & curry than for any of the matches!

Well done to the other teams!