You've Got Questions... We've Got Answers

Q. How do I join the club?

It's a really simple process. Tap Join Here, scroll down to the membership option that works for you, tap on the Join Now button and follow the instructions on the page.

Q. Do I have to be a member to play at the club?

Absolutely not. We do have the option to pay and play which means you can choose to play whenever is convenient for you. Tap Book a Court to choose when you'd like to play.

Q. Do you offer coaching?

We do. All of our club coaching is done by Cowley Tennis. So if you're interested in coaching for yourself or your kids tap on the link above to find out more.

Q.Are there Club or Social nights?

Yes there are. We hold social evenings every Tuesday and Thursday from 6:30 pm - 9 pm and then on a Sunday afternoon from 1:30pm - 4pm.

And for anyone who's able to play during the day, we have our "Mid-Weekers" sessions on a Monday, Wednesday & Friday from 10 am - 12 pm.

Q. Can I come to a club/social sessions without being a member?

100%, We actively encourage anyone who's interested in joining the club to come down to few club\social sessions to see if we're the right club for them. Just drop our Membership Secretery (James) a message and he'll help you out.

Q. Does the club compete in any local League Competitions ?

Yep, we do. We complete in the Milton Keynes Tennis League and have a varierty of Open, Womens and Mixed teams in various divisions.

Q. Is the club friendly? Are there many social activities?

Honestly, we think we're a pretty friendly and social club. Not only do we have our regular Chrismas and Summer parties... our members are often found out and about together for some food and drinks after social sessions.