Membership Conditions
The Club's Constitution (last reviewed in October 2023) includes all the conditions of Membership, however, the key areas are:
- Members must show respect and exercise care and consideration for others in their use of the Club's facilities, including leaving the courts and clubhouse tidy and clean.
- Members are responsible for the security of the Club and must not leave without ensuring that both the Clubhouse and the entrance/exit gates are padlocked.
- Membership does not include floodlights if used outside of a designated club session.
- Membership does not include coaching.
- Members are welcome to bring non-members to play as guests. It is the member's responsibility to ensure that the visitor's details are entered onto the Court Booking system or into the "Visitor's Book" and the correct fee is paid. The current fee is £5 per session.
- Membership is discontinued if not renewed by 30 April.
If you have any queries relating to membership please contact Ian Alexander (Secretary/Treasurer).