Safeguarding in Tennis

We strive to ensure that all children, young people and adults at risk are safeguarded from abuse and have an enjoyable tennis experience.  Everyone who is involved in tennis has a shared responsibility to support this by promoting the welfare of all children, young people and adults at risk.

Carol Gould is the Welfare Officer at CLTC.  She is a retired teacher with many years safeguarding experience of children in school. The Welfare Officer is responsible for the welfare of all members and for safeguarding children and vulnerable adults at CLTC.  We are committed to making CLTC a safe and inclusive place to play tennis and rely on you all to help us keep it that way.  

Although sometimes we may feel awkward, if you see any concerning behaviour at, or associated with CLTC, please do contact her. Any information that you share will be dealt with sensitively and in confidence.

You can contact her via temail at

Click to read our Safeguarding Policy Statement and  Safeguarding policy

Click to report a concern to the LTA

We follow the LTA Safeguarding Strategy