Junior Coaching with Tom Hunt

Our professional coach, Tom Hunt, holds coaching sessions every Saturday morning throughout the year and Wednesday afternoons, as well as after school in spring and summer. Speak to Tom to discuss the best session for your child
The cost is £6 per session per child, payable on the day. Juniors who are new to tennis, or new to Croftside Tennis Club, are welcome to attend 3 coaching sessions (if places are available) without becoming a member. If they want to continue after that, they will be required to become a member.
Junior coaching notes
The court size is adjusted by using cones or strips depending on the ball colour used.
- RED – Red balls are the outdoor version of a sponge ball for the youngest children. The soft balls are easier for young children to control
- ORANGE – These are smaller than red balls and move faster through the air. They are still soft balls so still easy to control
- GREEN – These are the same size as an orange ball but slightly heavier giving them more of the feel of a ‘real’ tennis ball (yellow) when hit. Green balls also bouncemore than the orange balls.
- YELLOW – standard LTA tennis balls used by all experienced players.
School Holiday Tennis Camps
Tennis Camps are open to 6-14 year olds of any playing standard, open to members and non-members. All equipment will be provided but children can bring their own racquets if they have them. Please wear appropriate clothing and brings drinks and snacks. For further information phone Tom on 07506 756589. Advance registration is essential as places are limited.
Click here to book.