Zico Davies
Zico (mobile 07949822921 or email zico.davies@zicotennis.co.uk) is one of our resident coaches who has been coaching here at Dedham for 6 years. He holds an LTA level 3 qualification as well as a PTR dual adult and junior qualification.
Zico heads up the junior programme, offering coaching to all ages and abilities from 4 years old, and is also working closely with many primary schools in the local area.
Scroll down for full details but, in summary, Zico delivers:
- a junior programme on Saturday mornings
- cardio tennis to adults who want to get out and whack some balls to high tempo music for all abilities, on a Saturday morning
- an after-school junior coaching during the week
- Junior Camps during school holidays.
Saturday programme
09.00-09.45 Cardio (adult)
09.45-10.30 Red & Orange ball (4-9 years)
10.30-11.30 Green ball (9-10 years)
11.30-12.30 Yellow ball (10-12 years)
12.30-13.30 Yellow ball plus (13 years plus)
After-school programmes ( February-October)
Monday 17.00-18.00 Red and Orange ball ( 4-9 years )
Wednesday 16.30-17.30 Yellow ball ( 10-12 years)
Wednesday 17.30-18.30 Yellow ball plus ( 13 years plus)
Friday 17.00-18.00 Green ball ( 9-10 years )
All after-school clubs are booked on a half termly basis. Please contact Zico directly for more details.
Saturday Junior and cardio tennis: £7 per session (pay as you go)
Individual lessons:
- 30 mins £17.50
- 45 mins £27.00
- 1 hour £35.00
Zico offers multi-sports holiday camps from February to October, here your child will be able to try a range of sports from Badminton 🏸, tennis 🎾, bowling 🎳, table-tennis, football ⚽️, archery 🏹 and lots more.
If you would like any more Information, please contact Zico directly on 07949822921 or email zico.davies@zicotennis.co.uk