Holiday Camps
We are following Government and LTA guidelines in order to make our Holiday Camps as safe and secure as possible during the coronavirus situation. Some additional measures which will be in place at every venue for October 2020-
- Hand sanitisation/cleaning of hands before and after camp each day
- Clear sign in and out points, clear instructions before the day emailed to parents of all the measures in place
- All participants to book online in advance only so ratio’s and spaces/bubbles are managed and planned ahead
- Ensuring those who have coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms do not attend. This also applies if a member of their family have symptoms or if they have been advised by NHS Test & Trace as ‘a close contact’ to isolate at home
- Encouraging coaches and children attending to clean their hands more often than usual, including before and after activities and before and after using toilet/washroom facilities
- Ensuring good respiratory hygiene by promoting the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach
- Cleaning frequently touched surfaces more often than usual using standard products, such as detergent or bleach
- Increased frequency of cleaning of toilets and washrooms
- Minimising contact and mixing between groups of children by altering the environment to allow for social distancing between children and keeping children in small consistent groups
- A limit of one parent attending the setting to drop off a child ideally
- Allocated drop off and collection times and the process for doing so (will be emailed prior to the camp starting)
- Protocols for minimising adult to adult contact, such as using physical distancing markers
- Use of toilets and changing rooms is managed to prevent overcrowding
- Children attending the setting are in small, consistent groups of no more than 15 children and one or two staff members/coaches
- social distancing is promoted, through physical markers for instance
- A daily risk assessment is completed
Our philosophy is to give an encouraging and supportive approach to coaching which will allow children to develop both their individual and team skills across a multitude of sports, primarily Tennis, whilst working in a safe and fun environment. Using our qualified coaches, we have set up a programme to give each young person the confidence to learn and improve their performance in a range of sports and activities.
All budding sporting stars will be split into age and ability appropriate groups. The overall aim is for the children to enjoy themselves at all times in a secure environment, come rain or shine! So whether you are a complete beginner or looking to improve your skills, come along and enjoy the fun. Over the October Halfterm Holiday's will be be running Sport Camps, which will run over full days (9am-3pm) and as well as Tennis will also include-
- touchtennis
- Badminton
- Table-Tennis
- Football
- Rounders
- Mini Olympics
- Team Games
Players will need to bring along the following-
- Sports Clothing
- Warm Weather Clothing (if attending during Winter Months)
- Suncream (if attending during Hot Weather)
- Lunch (if attending afternoon or all day sessions)
- Racket (can be provided)
Booking for all upcoming camps are below.