
Membership : Emma Morson 07740 777657
Tennis coaching : email
Squash coaching : email
Club room bookings : Bernie Beattie 01786 824398
Welfare Officer : Gail Williams 07460 336328

Chairman : Stewart Milne 01786 823518
Treasurer : Bernie Beattie 01786 824398
Secretary : Maureen Carroll 01786 826775
Membership Secretary : Emma Morson 07740 777657
Buildings & Grounds : Stewart Milne 01786 823518
Tennis Convenor :  Phil Wilson 07796 183610 
Junior Tennis Convenor : Richard Gallagher
Squash Convenor : Bill Perrie 01786 822198
House Convenor: Bernie Beattie 01786 824398
Social Convenor : Nicola Wishart
Board member : Mark Goundry

Feel free to send your comments on this site to the Website Administrator Bernie Beattie

Where to find us

Our car park is accessed via Ochlochy Park with a few overflow spaces accessed via the Golf Club car park. Please only use our spaces as the golf club can be very busy and is for members and golf visitors only. If you need to park on Ochlochy Park, please park on the same side as the driveways without blocking and avoid parking on the bend in the road.

Dunblane Sports Club
Ochlochy Park DUNBLANE Scotland North FK15 0DU