Social Tennis & Tournaments

Sometimes the hardest thing in tennis is to find someone to play with!

We have a private WhatsApp group to help find players - please email Prudence Mackee on to ask to be added to the group (By requesting this you agree for your mobile number to be shared within the group).

We also have a private Facebook group "Durham Archery Tennis Club"

We have a "mix in" policy here at DALTC which means that on Wednesday & Thursday evenings (from about 6.00 pm) and on Saturday & Sunday afternoons (from about 2.00 pm) you will always get a game (See the Social Tennis timetable above).

Monday (Men’s Priority Night) and Tuesday (Ladies' Priority Night) are also evenings when all those who attend are asked to mix in, so again you will be assured of a game if you turn up.

While social playing members are required to give way to match play, with 6 floodlit astro courts and 3 grass courts, you’ll rarely not find a court available for social tennis.

Please adhere to the club etiquette and guidelines if attending the courts to play.



The season starts with the Peacock Cup (a mixed doubles tournament for Club members). Saturday 18th May 2024.  1pm registration for start at 1.30pm.

Thornton Trophy tournaments for Adult Club members will run on Saturday 15th June and Saturday 20th July 2024.

The Club Tournament will run throughout September 2024, concluding in a finals day which will be Saturday 28th September 2024.

Please register by emailing the Women's Captain: Hilary Bradley -

or the Men's Captain: Gordon Clough - 


The final tournament of the season is our prestigious Open - The Thurlow Cup which attracts club players from other clubs in the region. This will be held on Saturday 5th October 2024.