How to find us
Duxford Lawn Tennis Club
Recreation Ground, Hunts Road, Duxford
CB22 4RE
Welcome to Duxford Lawn Tennis Club. We have two hard, recently resurfaced courts, both with court lighting, and a small clubhouse. The club is located on the recreation field near the centre of the village. We are next to Duxford Community Centre, which gives us the use of its changing rooms, as well as parking.
Chairperson: Darren Price
Secretary: Suzanne Pattinson (
Treasurer: Russell Waller
Membership: Liz Stott (01799 521217 or
Match secretaries: Liz Stott, Beth Best and Darren Price
Court maintenance: Chris Cargill
Tokens: Tracy Maywood (see below)
Committee member: Tricia Haydon-Smith
Court lighting and Clubspark: Gary Stott
Match tennis
Anyone interested in playing for the club in the LTA Cambridgeshire or Cambridge Business House league should contact the match secretaries:
Liz Stott (mixed) 01799 521217/
Beth Best (ladies)
Darren Price (men) 07940 596822/
Club sessions and court bookings
An important aim of the club is to offer accessible and enjoyable tennis for all levels of ability. To help achieve this there are a number of Club social playing opportunities that members are encouraged to join. If new to the club just join any session and as appropriate a committee member or session leader will suggest one or more sessions suited to your standard of play
Monday 10.30- 12.00 - Seniors Mixed social tennis
(contact Gunnar Brander 01223873020
or e mail him at
Tuesday 19.00 - 20.00 - Mixed Beginners and intermediate
(contact Clare Driver on 07834956009)
Wednesday 10.00 - 12.00 - Ladies intermediate and above
(contact Liz Stott)
18.30 - 19.30 - Mixed Rusty Rackets Coaching
(contact Ali McGee on 07581 087325)
Thursday 18.30 - 20.30 - Adult mixed intermediate and above
(contact Darren Price)
Sunday 09.30 to 11.30 - Mens intermediate and above
(just turn up)
What do our members say? "I attended the adults tennis social this evening and it was superb! Will go every Thursday now and aim to improve".
Members can book a court at any other time for a maximum of 90 minutes and up to two sessions in a week. Or you can take the chance and just turn up.
Non-members wishing to play please see details on the 'Non member play' tab.
Court lighting/tokens
Do take advantage of the court lighting to extend your evening's play. Tokens cost £3 for an hour (you can buy up to five tokens at a time). They are available from Tracy Marwood who lives in the village (text her on 07876 506754 ). The meter box is on the front of the clubhouse.
Funding and grants
We received funding for the court resurfacing, plus new nets and posts, from Amey Community Fund, South Cambs Community Chest, Cambridgeshire LTA and the Mick George Sports Fund.
We have secured grants for the court lighting from Sport England and Amey Community Fund.
We are grateful to Duxford Parish Council for supporting our funding bids, extending our lease and offering an electricity supply for the court lighting.
We are also grateful to Amey Cespa and the Cambridge Community Foundation for their continued support and help to develop our club.
Duxford Lawn Tennis Club
Recreation Ground, Hunts Road, Duxford
CB22 4RE