
Club News

Eardisley Tennis & Croquet Club - Spring newsletter 2024 

Dear Members, 

Hurrah! Longer and somewhat drier days - not that much warmer but there have been moments when a T-shirt and shorts were possible. Summer league fixtures are almost finalised and one Men's B-team match has been played. But the most impressive recent news is of Eardisley Boys 12 and under team in Division 2 against the far larger Worcester Tennis Club. Well done to Soli Treasure Evans and Joel Wallace for a great win in their first ever match - and it was away too. I'd just like to put in a bid for both of them in the B-team in 2028 (if not before!). 

Firstly, as I sit down to write this newsletter I am wondering how many of you take the time to read it in its entirety? It would be very useful to know, in fact to receive feedback of any sort whatsoever: is it too long, is there more you would like included or things you don't like; would more frequent shorter email updates be preferable; would anybody else like to contribute a short section on say match play or doubles tips? Do get back to me because believe me I have plenty of things I could be getting on with if this is just disappearing into your Trash folder. 

The new membership package is working very well and thank you to all those who renewed so promptly. If you haven't already done so a reminder is on its way and please get this done asap so that Janet can play more tennis. N.B. If no invite to renew has been received do check your SPAM folder in case emails are being directed there and contact Janet if needs be - Janet will also be at the Open Day with a laptop if you want to come along and let her walk you through the process. (Janet would also be grateful of the loan of a mobile with a generous data allowance that she can piggyback her laptop onto in order to use it at the club). 

The Open Day - Saturday 11th May 10am - 2pm. Fingers crossed for a dry, warm and sunny day. If there is anybody in your address book who may be interested then do cajole them into coming along - 20% off membership if you join on the day. It promises to be a lot of fun and who can resist the offer of a £1 Powell's burger cooked by Gordon and Mark! 

The Tennis Coaching season has begun with the juniors really picking up their tennis learning pace! Contact for the remaining places available in Tuesday/Thursday Group Coaching, Children's Tennis Camps, Competitions and Freeplay bookings. Adult coaching groups are also winning jackpot prizes for Serve to the Target! Join in the fun before it starts raining again! 

A Tennis Court Booking system is being trialled on the club's website and should go live in the very near future. This will show all court activity on a week by week basis so that we all know what is going on and when. More anon. 

New surface test: contact has been made with Crickhowell Tennis Club and a visit is in the planning to play on their very new Proturf Ultra artificial grass surface. The Club chairman reports that they are extremely happy with it. So far we have six participants so there is room

for a couple more. Members of Crickhowell will be there for some friendly doubles and they'll provide a light lunch afterwards. 

ET&CC T-shirts: a sample has been made and has proved very smart and durable. See the and enter product code JC003 for the colour range and specifications. The T-shirt can have the club logo (as on the new road sign) in small on the front and larger on the back or whatever combination you desire (back only/front only/etc,.) Email me if you wish to see a photo of the finished article - and I'll wear it to Club Play as often as possible. They cost a very reasonable £13. 

Club Secretary: the committee is still very much in need of a capable person to handle a very light amount of administrative work for the club. We are really only talking about an hour or so a week, sometimes nothing at all. So please, we know you're out there and the more people who share the load the smoother the club runs. Email: for further information. 

Clubhouse cleaning schedule: Big thanks to Susannah Burrage for heading this up and keeping our clubhouse in the slick and span condition we all like to find it in. More volunteers are always welcome: if each member just did one session a year the rota would be full. 

Hereford & Worcester Summer Tennis League: is up and running with two Men's and two Ladies teams. Good luck to one and all as they battle it out across the two counties. The Men's Monday evening session is looking to ramp up with a more match focused style of play for those involved in the league teams with feedback and light-touch coaching. 

Croquet News: After a rather slow, cold and damp start to the season things are beginning to look up. We have managed to get the lawns cut to an acceptable length and with a bit of sunshine they should speed up. Numbers at club afternoon should also pick up. The average attendance so far has been twelve. 

Over the next few weeks we hope to allocate everyone a GC handicap and explain how to use the handicap card. We will also be offering coaching sessions for those who would like them. There will be the opportunity to play in friendly matches as well as the new 6+ handicap league. This will mean getting used to playing the best of 12 hoops as opposed to the best of 6 which we play at club afternoons. 

In order to achieve more use of the lawns it is hoped to introduce a new monthly Box League starting in June. Along with this we will be introducing a lawn booking system. Club shirts featuring the new logo are also being produced and will be available shortly.


David Ashby

Eardisley Tennis and Croquet Club