School Coaching

The after school sessions are a great introduction to the game and proved to be the foundation for many of the county’s top players over the years. 

During the after school club sessions children will develop footwork and coordination, while learning to rally, serve, compete and score in structured sessions.

Towards the end of the term we would like to invite you to come along to your local tennis club and take part in our end of term party. This event is free and on the day your child will be given a free T-shirt.  

For more information about the Tennis Parties please click here

The following are the current After School Clubs which are available to book online: 

Bignold Primary Monday 3.15 - 4.00pm Booking Available Soon
Colman Junior Tuesday 3.15 - 4.00pm MORE INFO & BOOKING
Avenue Junior Wednesday 3.20 - 4.05pm MORE INFO & BOOKING
Drayton Infant Wednesday 3.15 - 4.00pm MORE INFO & BOOKING
Angel Road Junior Thursday 3.15 - 4.00pm Booking Available Soon
St Francis of Assisi  Thursday 3.25 - 4.10pm MORE INFO & BOOKING
Angel Road Infant Friday 3.15 - 4.00pm Booking Available Soon
Colman Infant Friday 3.15 - 4.00pm Booking Available Soon
Drayton Junior Friday 3.15 - 4.00pm MORE INFO & BOOKING
Ghost Hill Infant Friday 3.15 - 4.00pm MORE INFO & BOOKING