Elgin Tennis Club offers tennis coaching to players of all abilities from beginners to team players and non members are welcome.

Adult Coaching

Groups: Elgin LTC is offering adult improvers coaching at Cooper Park on Mondays, Dynamic doubles on Monday mornings booked through this website.  Blocks of  beginners lessons for adults who have not played before or have not played tennis for a long time are available to members and nonmembers.  New Club members (full season) are offered one block of up to 6 of free beginner group lessons. There are also adult  team coaching sessions please contact Derek Brown for details.

Individual: Individual and smaller group coaching is also available by mutual appointments with the club coaches.  For more information on Adult coaching call John Walker 07910 905282

Junior Coaching

Elgin LTC offers coaching to juniors all year round on most days of the week.  There are also team squads throughout the week.

There are fun tennis camps offered in the spring and summer holidays.   To book holiday camps please use tab for Holiday Camps in website menu.

For more details of junior coaching please contact Teresa Tait 07825671887 (junior coordinator)

Please just scroll down to find courses.