Ageing Well

The Ageing Well project promotes healthy lifestyles for people over 50 in East Lothian. The project is a partnership between NHS Lothian and East Lothian Council.

The Ageing Well project aims to maintain and promote the physical and mental health, well being and quality of life for people over 50 in East Lothian through a list of activities.

We will be running a 5 week tennis course aimed at beginner players. Each week will cover something different with the aim that at the end of the course you will know how to play each of the main shots, as well as understand the rules and scoring of tennis.

Week 1 - Forehand

Week 2 - Backhand 

Week 3 - Serve/Return

Week 4 - Volleys

Week 5 - Social matchplay and learning the scoring/rules

The course is a good chance to learn a new sport whilst having fun, getting some excercise and meeting new people!

Book here: