We are fast approaching our highlight of the season - the Club Finals Day on Sunday 25 September. You will receive a more detailed email about the event nearer the time, but please try to keep the date free. All the usual finals will be played and we also have new over 60s final and plate categories. Those who attended our court resurfacing celebration earlier this summer will be pleased to know that the Dunlop rep (Sam) will be visiting again on the day, selling a wide range of rackets, shoes and clothing - and he has kindly agreed to provide new balls for all the games.
Don't forget that you can sponsor a Finals match for only £25, which will ensure your name appears in the programme and on our website. Please let me, or any other committee member, know if you want to take up this offer as soon as possible. As usual, we will be running a BBQ, cake stall and bar service and we're hoping for a good supply of sunshine to ensure a memorable day!
We were blessed with lovely weather for our Fun Doubles Round Robin Tournament on 21 August and the eighteen participants clearly enjoyed the day. In view of the success of this format we are planning to continue these tournaments, with another session in October looking very likely - watch this space.
It's also good to report that the excellent summer weather ensured the vast majority of our Summer League games were completed without the need for postponements.
The Mens A team had a very good season and just missed out on promotion owing to a strong Chipping Campden team. Mens B finished second in Div 3 and hope to be promoted, whilst the Cs finished second from bottom and are probably going back down to division 4. Our ladies teams had a tough season but are looking to bounce back next year after building some good partnerships. Some new players took part in the league this year - this is what the club is all about and we look forward to more joining in next season. It's also great to see that we will now have two over 60s teams (male and female) competing in the daytime winter league soon.
The committee discussed the club's finances recently and - with effect from 1 October - we are putting in place the following measures to mitigate increases in our running costs during the Autumn and Winter:
- Monday and Wednesday social evenings will carry an extra charge of £1 per person to offset the cost of the floodlights
- Friday social afternoons will move to an earlier time of 1400-1600 to ensure that the session remains free i.e. does not require floodlights
- Sunday social mornngs will begin on a trial basis and run from 1000-1300. They will also be free.
- Any other sessions under lights (including team training) will incur an extra charge of £1 per person.
All £1 fees should be paid via the collection box in the clubhouse (which is located on the end of the kitchen unit on the left when you first enter the main room). We will also introduce alternative payment methods if required.
I am very sorry that an extra charge is being levied, but we have no choice, especially if we want to build up our reserves for the future. I must also stress that everyone should use power sparingly in the clubhouse and avoid unnecessary use of the heaters, lights and hot water. Please note that we have also cancelled the clubhouse Wi-Fi contract, on the basis that data can be accessed easily using the hotspot facility on mobile phones.
I am very grateful to everyone who has volunteered to help out at the Frampton Country Fair on 11 September, which should guarantee a financial donation to the club from the organisers. There's still time to let me know if you want to help out. I would also be grateful to hear from anyone who wants to assist with the Frampton Fundraiser's Sheep Racing event on Saturday 18 September. We are also looking at new ways to raise funds and pursue fresh marketing opportunities, and I will tell you more about this in the near future. In the meantime, if you have any suggestions, please put them forward to myself or one of the other committee members.
The club always benefits when we attract new members later in the year. If you know of anyone who wants to join us, please encourage them to visit https://clubspark.lta.org.uk/framptononseverntennisclub/Membership/Join Our half year adult membership package is now available with effect from 1 September, at a cost of £90 for seven months.
I think I have said enough for more than one newsletter, and hope to see you on the courts soon.... and don't forget that Saturday morning children/adult coaching and Cardio sessions resume on 10 September.
Bob McNally