The floodlights are now operational and this page sets out how they can be used. Particular attention should be paid to the schedule of times at the bottom of this section, as this is determined by the planning permission granted by Southampton City Council.
Members should book a court in the normal way noting that only courts 1 and 2 have floodlights.
Tokens for the use of the floodlights are be available for purchase and one token pays for one court for one hour and costs £4. The tokens are sold in in packs of 5 which cost £20.
Members can buy tokens in advance by paying £20 into the Club’s account (sort code 30 99 87 account number 00832203) with their name as a reference. At the same time, they should email the Treasurer, Helen Cornwall (troycornwall@hotmail.com) who will inform Ray who has paid. Once Ray knows members can arrange to collect their tokens from him (telephone 07707822670). It is improtant that members tell Helen by email that they have paid for tokens (as she does not check the bank account every day).
Conditions on the use of our floodlights say that they must always be switched off by 9pm. So the lights will cut off automatically at 9pm, preceded by a 5 minute red warning light on the central poles.
From September and October they can be used from one hour after sunset.
From November to March they can be used from dusk.
As you will see on the list below, September15th 2024 is the first date when it is possible to have at least one hour of floodlit play before the 9pm curfew.
Please be aware that there are neighbours with young children who may be trying to sleep in the evenings.
Flood lighting timing restriction for 2023/24 as required by Southampton City Council ‘In the interest of residential amenity/to minimise the impact on protected species.-The flood lights hereby approved shall not operate outside the following hours:
Dusk to 21.00 (9pm) November - March and one hour after sunset to 21.00 April to October
Unless agreed otherwise in writing by the Local Planning Authority.’
April to October: from one hour after sunset and until 9pm
Week beginning
Sept 15th Sunset 19.21 Floodlights can be used from 20.21 (39 minutes) Sept 22nd Sunset 19.05 Floodlights can be used from 20.05 (55 minutes)Tuesday Sept 24th Sunset 19.00 Floodlights can be used from 20.00 Sept 29th Sunset 18.47 Floodlights can be used from 19.47 Oct 6th Sunset is 18.33 Floodlights can be used from 19.33 Oct13th Sunset is 18.18 Floodlights can be used from 19.18 Oct 20th Sunset is 18.04 Floodlights can be used from 19.04 Oct 27th Sunset is 16.50 Floodlights can be used from 17.50 Nov 3rd Floodlights can be used from dusk 17.11 Nov 10th Floodlights can be used from dusk 17.00 Nov 17th Floodlights can be used from dusk 16.52 Nov 24th Floodlights can be used from dusk 16.45 Dec 1st Floodlights can be used from dusk 16.41 Dec 8th Floodlights can be used from dusk 16.38 Dec 15th Floodlights can be used from dusk 16.39 Dec 22nd Floodlights can be used from dusk 16.41 |
Dec 29th Floodlights can be used from dusk 16.46 Jan 5th Floodlights can be used from dusk 16.53 Jan 12th Floodlights can be used from dusk 17.02 Jan 19th Floodlights can be used from dusk 17.12 Jan 26th Floodlights can be used from dusk 17.22 Feb 2nd Floodlights can be used from dusk 17.34 Feb 9th Floodlights can be used from dusk 17.45 Feb 16th Floodlights can be used from dusk 17.57 Feb 25th Floodlights can be used from dusk 18.12 Mar 2nd Floodlights can be used from dusk 18.21 Mar 9th Floodlights can be used from dusk 18.33 Mar 16th Floodlights can be used from dusk 18.44 Mar 23th Floodlights can be used from dusk 18.56 Mar 30th Floodlights can be used from 20.08 (50 minutes) Clocks change Apr 6th Floodlights can be used from 20.20 (40 minutes) |