It is important that we report all accidents correctly and promptly.

  • The Club maintains a First Aid Kit for use in the event of minor injuries. This is kept in the club house in the cupboard above the bin.
  • All injuries should be reported using an Accident Report Form available to download  by clicking here:
  • This report form should then be submitted to Christine Chadwick, the club’s Welfare Officer, at 

Alternatively, a hard copy Accident Report Form is available  on the noticeboard in the club house. This form (for convenience) should be posted through the door of the Club Membership Secretary, Sheila Davies, at 66 Leigh Road who will forward it to the Welfare Officer.

It is usual for the casualty themselves to make and submit the report, however in the event of a serious accident, when this may not be possible, the person taking charge of the situation should ensure that it is completed and submitted.


Serious accidents or incidents

In the event of a serious accident or major incident, the Emergency Services should be summoned and the Welfare Officer should be alerted on 07939 123529.