Social events

Watch this space and the Lockington Lobbers WhatsApp group for other social events. If you'd like to to be added to the Whatsapp group, just contact Alan Mayes.
Usually there's some social tennis, followed by a BBQ. Non members are welcome. Please bring your own drink and the cost is £6 per person, booking required.
To book for social events contact Alan Mayes via WhatsApp or by text to 07971 679829 to book your place.
The next social event will be an American Tournament to be run by Lesley Hill at Lockington on a Saturday afternoon lasting about 3 hours, (date to be confirmed when the weather improves). There will be a small charge for the tournament entry, tea, coffee and cake, this will go towards the clubhouse's improvements fund.
There will be random doubles pairings, each 'match' will last 15 minutes, and each player scores a point for the completed games they've won. After 15 minutes, a whistle is blown, the players record their own scores, players are then reshuffled to make new pairings. If there are more than 12 players entering, any players off court are swapped with some on court. Then another round of 15 minutes matches is played. The overall winner is the person with the most points so it could be anyone It's fast and furious and should be great fun!