Making Payments

Court Fees (Non-Members)

"Pay and play fees" must be paid on-line in advance of receiving access to the courts.

Methods of Payment

Stripe Payments

Access to Stripe is via the court booking page.  Clearance of  Stripe transactions take several days and the Club incurs a 2% charge on all transactions.

Membership Subscriptions

Membership Subscriptions may be paid by the following means:

Banks Automatic Clearance System (BACS )  -   Membership subscriptions can be paid into the Club bank account at Lloyds by inputing the following information:  Liphook Tennis Club,  Sort Code: 30-93-94,  Account Number:  23218460.   In the  Reference Box please add your surname and initials.

By Cheque    - To be made payable to 'Liphook Tennis Club'   To be passed to the Membership Secretary.