
Summer league results

Well done to all club members who took part in the summer 2022 league teams.

Our 2nd Men's team and the Men's Short Format (SF) team both won their divisions. Both were captained by Martin Burden in his first season - clearly he's got a golden touch!  The 3rd Men's team also put in a great effort and topped their division. 

Congratulations too to our Ladies SF 1 team who came second behind Sutton Bonington and just ahead of Welbeck.

Our 2nd Mixed team came a creditable 4th under captain Phil Parkin who soldiered on organising despite being injured for much of the season and being unable to take part himself.

It hasn't always been easy to find players for some of the teams despite the captains' best efforts. Unfortunately this meant that three of our teams: Ladies 1st, Mixed 1st and Ladies 2nd SF team had to concede two matches. Under league rules this meant that these team's results were wiped from the record and they could take no further part in the season. 

Below is a full list of the summer 2022 results:

Team Division Final Position
Mens 1 3 3rd
Mens 2 5 1st
Mens 3 6 1st
Mens Short Format 6 1st
Ladies  1 3 expunged
Ladies Short Format 1 4 2nd
Ladies Short Format 2 5 expunged
Mixed 1 3 expunged
Mixed 2 4 4th
Mixed 3 5 6th