Pay 2 Play

Courts are offered to Pay2Play visitors at non-peak times. Please note you will need your own rackets and balls. If your booking is after dark only Court 3 floodlights are integregted into the booking system.  If court 3 is unavailable please contact us at least 24 hours before your booking so that we can organise lights for you.

Please follow this link to book your court

The following information will assist your visit:

Car Park Access : If you find the gates to the club are closed, they will not usually be locked, so just come in and play.  If they are padlocked, there is a key safe behind the post to the right of the gates.  The access code is included in your booking confirmation.  Input the code and turn the knob to open the safe.  If you experience any difficulty or mis-key the code use the black slider button to clear the entry, leave it for a few seconds and try again. PLEASE RETURN THE KEY TO THE SAFE AND LOCK IT. 

Court Access : Also iIncluded in your booking confirmation  is your Court access code for the gate adjacent to the clubhouse giving access to the playing area. This code is active 10 minutes before your booking. 

Floodlights: If your booking included floodlights these will come on prior to your booking to ensure they are warmed up for your start time. If you want to extend your booking please do this prior to the end of your booking as if the lights go off you must wait 20 minutes for them to  warm up again.

Refund Policy: Refunds can be requested up to 4 hours before your scheduled booking and will be processed automatically. Refunds for inclement weather will be considered in exceptional circumstances but we would encourage you to plan ahead and cancel if necessary.

If you have any queries or issues please contact us