Cardio Tennis

Cardio Tennis sessions

Fancy burning 500-800 calories in one fun packed hour?  

Bounce to the beat with Cardio Tennis.

Cardio Tennis — The fun, fast-paced workout to music that combines tennis drills, and cardio exercises!

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, Cardio Tennis is perfect for all fitness levels. You’ll improve your fitness, burn calories, and work on your tennis skills while having a blast. No tennis experience required—just bring your energy!


What is a typical Cardio Tennis class like?

Each class is an hour long, with a short warm-up, a 40-minute full body workout, and a cool down.

  • Warm up

Some dynamic stretching, skills and drills to get your body warm and mind sharp, ready for the workout to begin!

  • Aerobics

Here’s your chance to hit loads of shots - forehands, backhands, serves, you name it - all mixed with a variety of fitness activities.

  • Tennis

Put your shots into practice with fun tennis games. You’ll never play one-on-one; your teammates will be with you all the way.

  • Cool down

Well done, you did it! Now it’s time to recover and stretch.

If your interested in cardio tennis book here for times.

Let’s get moving!