Club Policies

Our Club has three main policies and it is important all club members, players, parents and volunteers know about them. They are all designed to help ensure everyone connected with New Ash Green is welcome, safe and can enjoy playing tennis. A summary of each policy is set out below. The full policy documents can be obtained by contacting the Club Welfare Officer (Graham Clewes) through  or the Membership Secretary (Jane Challis).

Safeguarding Policy

New Ash Green Tennis Club will:

  • promote and prioritise safety and well-being
  • ensure the Committee understands its safeguarding role and responsibilities and has training to recognise, identify and respond to signs of abuse, neglect and other safeguarding concerns relating to children and adults at risk
  • ensure response to incidents/concerns of abuse and support provided to the individual/s who raise or disclose the concern
  • ensure confidential, detailed and accurate records of all safeguarding concerns are maintained and securely stored
  • prevent employment/deployment of unsuitable individuals
  • ensure safeguarding arrangements and procedures are effective.

Diversity and Inclusion

We believe everyone involved in tennis has a role to play in promoting diversity and inclusion, proactively promoting safe and inclusive tennis and taking action against all forms of discrimination. We are proud to have a Diversity and Inclusion Policy that demonstrates our commitment to making tennis diverse and inclusive.


Whistleblowing is raising a concern about a dangerous or illegal activity or a wrongdoing within the club. Any concerns about a child or an adult who works with children should be raised with the Club Welfare Officer (see poster). If the allegation is about the Club Welfare Officer, the Chairman or senior member of the committee should be informed.