

Club Tournament

There’ll be a new name on the club honours board after the annual finals took six days to resolve because of poor weather.

Gwilym Flint Roberts, who runs the club’s academy for beginners and improvers on Wednesday evenings, triumphed over defending champion James Philpott in a high quality men’s singles final.

James got off to a flyer and led 4-0 before Gwil began to get his act together and pegged him back. But it was James who took the first set on a tie break. The rain put an end to play early in the second set, and when they resumed the following day it looked like Gwil’s habit of starting slowly would cost him dear as James took a 4-1 lead.

But in a final of long baseline rallies and deft touches by both players, Gwil fought back to take the second set 6-4 and the third 6-2 and claim his first club title.

James put things right in the men’s doubles, partnering Dan Hockley to a 6-4, 6-2 win against Tom Collins and Lloyd Davey. Dan turned his ankle midway through the second set but James’s energetic court coverage saw them through.

And James hadn’t finished there, partnering wife Gayle to a first-ever mixed doubles title against Pauline McFadden and Phil Williams. Pauline and Phil – last year’s beaten finalists -  won the first set on a tie break but with James showing little sign of fatigue after his earlier efforts and running down every ball, it was the Philpotts who emerged as 6-7, 6-1, 6-2 winners.

If it was all change on the men’s side it was very much as-you-were with the ladies.

Pauline won the ladies’ singles for the 14th time in the last 15 years, defeating Sally Platt for the third successive time. Sally stayed in touch for most of the first set, trailing 4-2, but was unable to impose her normal aggressive game on Pauline, who doggedly reeled off eight games in a row to win 6-2, 6-0.

And Pauline also took the ladies’ doubles title alongside Margaret Bennett for the fifth year in succession. Their battles against Jo Naish and Michele Callcut are usually close – but not this time as the holders eased to a 6-1, 6-2 victory in blustery conditions.

The finals were also marked by the presentation of a bench in memory of former club chairman Peter Scurfield, who died in December. Peter had been a much loved member of OVLTC since the 60’s, and the bench presented by his wife Hazel in a short – and very wet – ceremony now sits proudly at the side of Court 4.  

The weather meant the finals had to be held on three separate days. Pauline’s win over Sally was the only match completed on the Saturday; three more finals took place the following day with the ladies’ doubles final not played until the Friday. But all three days were well supported by members, family and friends with the barbecue, bar plus tea and cake all well received.

Thanks to tournament director Paul Smith for running the event so efficiently (in other words bullying people to get their matches played) and also doubling as umpire along with Joy Walley, Helen Curtis, Paul Mortlock and Shuen Wong. And of course to Don and his team of elves, particularly with the barbecue and getting the clubhouse and surroundings in good shape. And finally to club president Carole Lee for conducting the trophy presentations so impeccably!