Adult Coaching

At Billingshurst LTC at current time, we have adult courses for which payment is mainly pay and play on the day via card machine. However our tennis Xpress (beginners) course is booked in advance online.  Prices for all sessions are £7 for 1 hour, £10 for 1.5 hours. 

Non-members are permitted to join in with a group coaching session up to 3 times with a non-member fee of £5. However, cardio tennis and tennis Xpress (beginners) are open to non-members at no additional cost! 

Adult sessions are as follows:

-Monday 6:30-7:30pm Improvers coaching (pay and play) 

-Tuesday 6-7pm Men's team coaching (pay and play) 

-Tuesday 7-8pm Improvers coaching (pay and play) 

-Tuesday 8-9pm Xpress/Rustys - book full 6 week course starting 4/6 on here (scroll to bottom of page to find ⬇️) 

-Thursday 9-10am Cardio Tennis (pay and play or book on here) 

-Friday 10-11:30am Intermediate coaching (pay and play)