
New Year Coaching Programme

I hope you've all been enjoying your tennis down at the club since our re-opening in early December. We're sorry we were unable to complete the whole coaching programme, being so close to Christmas - and especially the juniors - but we still hope to do so in the New Year.

It's extremely unfortunate we now find ourselves in Tier 4!

The good news is that updated LTA guidance says: "Outdoor tennis courts can remain open for individual exercise, and for people to use with others within your household, support bubble, or with one person from another household."

Coaching can also continue on a 1 to 1 basis and ALL junior classes can run.

For the time being there can be NO ADULT GROUP ACTIVITY, such as Pay and Play sessions, Classes or Cardio.

We will of course keep you informed if there are any further changes due to Covid-19 restrictions, but we hope for the best and plan to have as many sessions as possible back in the New Year.

Spring Junior Classes ( Starting Thursday 7 January)

All those who signed-up and paid for the Autumn term will have the first part of the new term credited, up to the February half-term break. This means you will only be required to pay for the second half of term, up to Easter.

You don't need to do anything at this stage as all children will automatically be transferred and booked into the New Year classes. You will receive more details and a confirmation email closer to the start date (including a payment request for the second half of term).

I know this has been a very difficult year for everyone, but seeing you all back at the club enjoying tennis has been really great. And on behalf of all the coaches I'd like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

All the best and hope to see you on court soon,

Michael Jones
PTC Head Coach